European Association for Haematopathology .
The European Association for Haematopathology (EAHP) is a professional society whose aim is to study diseases of the haematopoietic and lymphoid systems and to promote the exchange and dissemination of knowledge concerning the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.
Membership benefits
Professional networking
Contact with fellow haematopathologists and professionals from all over the world
Up-to-date information about interesting workshops, meetings and conferences
Participation in the biannual conference (September 2022 in Florence, Italy)
Lots of information about education for young professionals
Society for Hematopathology .
The Society for Hematopathology (SH) is a professional society for scientists in the clinical, morphological and functional aspects of the hematopoietic and lymphoreticular systems. It was founded in 1981 by Drs. Costan W. Berard and Ronald F. Dorfman. The purpose of the Society was to stimulate interest, investigation, exchange and dissemination of knowledge concerning the clinical, morphological and functional aspects of the hematopoietic and lymphoreticular systems.
Membership Benefits
Notification of educational opportunities (workshops, case of the quarter, etc.)
Special events
Job opportunities
Topics on the discussion board
Reduced registration fees at society workshops
Haematopathology fellowship director updates / support
The bone marrow symposium will be focused on “Novel frontiers in molecular diagnosis of myeloid neoplasms: biomarkers and integrative prognostic models in myeloid diseases” the aim is to understand how a proper integration of morphological, clinical and molecular data is essential in reaching a correct diagnosis and to guide treatment decision. Topics to be discussed will include the prognostic and clinical significance of new genetic markers or combinations of genetic markers, the paradigm of targeting oncogenic tyrosine kinase signaling in myeloid neoplasia, and the importance of doing genetic analysis in unusual presentation of myeloid diseases or as marker of disease progression.
Abstract submission subject headings
Clonality analysis and the role of NGS
NGS panels for diagnosis, including molecular algorithms
Structural chromosomal alterations in lymphoma
The clinical impact of innovative technologies in the management of lymphoma patients
Other topics including recent advances
The lymphoma symposium will be devoted to “Novel frontiers in molecular diagnosis of lymphoma: biomarkers and integrative prognostic models”. It will explore how best to integrate into our daily clinical practice the plethora of new technologies that help us understand lymphoma biology and are key to pathological classification. The clinical impact of innovative technologies in the management of lymphoma patients will be discussed.
- New horizons in clonality detection
- NGS Panel-sequencing for mutations in a diagnostic setting
- Lymphomas defined by structural chromosomal alterations
- The clinical impact of innovative technologies in the management of lymphoma patients
- Recent advances
Venue .
The meeting venue will be the “Palazzo dei Congressi” which is hosted inside the 19th century Villa Vittoria. This building has a prestigious congress hall with an overall capacity of 1,000 seats, and 920 sq m of annexed area available for exhibitions. The meeting venue is located at the heart of the city surrounded by numerous excellent hotels.